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IKN-RS-SOP-13: Radiation Monitoring for Pregnancy Staff



An occupationally exposure to the pregnant radiation workers to indirectly to the foetus should be afforded the same level of protection as a member of the public. This may be achieved by controlling the exposure of the employee such that the dose received by the foetus is less than the public effective dose limit of 1 mSv for the remainder of the pregnancy according to the Atomic Energy Licensing (Basic Safety Radiation Protection) Regulations 2010. Employers are to assess the likely dose to the foetus of a pregnant employee from each work activity. This will usually require an examination of the employee’s personal monitoring records and an assessment of the likelihood of incidents leading to either external or internal exposure of the foetus. If the foetus could receive more than 1 mSv over the declared term of the pregnancy a change in work practice should be discussed and agreed to with the employee. It would be prudent to provide an occupationally exposed pregnant staff member with an electronic personal dose monitor. Pregnant women, or those intending a pregnancy or breast-feeding, should not work with large amounts of radioactive material.



To monitor radiation dose level to the pregnant radiation workers.



  • Radiation Protection Officer (RPO)
  • Nuclear Medicine Physicist
  • Radiation Workers



  1. Radiation worker who suspected to be pregnant must inform and confirm status of pregnancy to the in-charged supervisor and RPO with a proper document from certify Medical Officer.
  2. RPO or Nuclear Medicine Physicist is responsible to advise the pregnant staff about the radiation safety issues at work place.
  3. If the pregnant woman chooses to continue in a work assignment that involves a potentially volatile radionuclide and the potential for internal uptake exceeds 1% of the annual limit of intake for that radionuclide, monthly bioassay monitoring will be required for the pregnant woman. Refer IKN-RS-SOP-12 Monitoring of Personnel Working with Ionising Radiations  for details.
  4. Pregnant radiation workers needs to fill up provided 2 forms and will be given additional pocket dosimeters during her pregnancies period if necessary.
  5.  Application of Pocket Dosimeter IKN-RS-F-053 Electronic Dosimeter Request Form
  6. Daily Electronic Dosimeter Reading IKN-RS-F-054 Electronic Dosimeter Daily Record.
  7. Declaration Form IKN-RS-F-070 Notification of Pregnancy Form
  8. These forms as radiation safety precautions to the pregnant staff not to exceed the permissible limit of 1 mSv.


Advice to the Employee and Supervisor

  1. Once their staff confirmed pregnant, the employee and supervisor should work together to determine the most reasonable method of minimizing radiation dose exposure based on ALARA principle.
  2. ALARA principle can be achieved by reducing the time spent, providing abdominal shielding and maximum the distance when dealing with radiation sources. With this application will reduce the radiation risk to the unborn child.


Responsibilities of Pregnant Staff

  1.  Inform the supervisor and record daily radiation monitoring of electronic pocket dosimeter in the provided form.
  2. Apply the ALARA principle in daily routine work to minimise the radiation exposure.


Responsibilities of RPO

  1. The work situation shall be assessed to ensure the radiation safety principles are being followed and radiation dose limits remain as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).
  2. Ensure the most restrictive dose limit to the worker, as described in the federal and provincial regulations, is not exceeded. The RPO may provide additional dosimeters in order to measure and document any workplace exposure during the pregnancy.
  3. Potential discrimination issues should be addressed, as well as the non-discriminatory aspects of this institution's policy.


  1. Atomic Energy Licensing (Basic Safety Radiation Protection) Regulations 2010.
  2. Nuclear Medicine Resource Manual, IAEA 2006.
  3. Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Protection Series Publication No. 14.2, ARPANSA 2008.
  4. Applying Radiation Safety Standards In Nuclear Medicine, Safety Reports Series No. 40 IAEA 2005.
  5. Pregnancy and Medical Radiation, ICRP Publication 84, 2000.



This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was developed based on compilation of best available information, knowledge, field experience, and general practices to provide guidance to IKN staff in performing the activities defined herein, in a consistent and standardised manner.
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